]17 July 1996

The Absurdity of Knowledge
a collection of papers by
Bruce DePalma


I have always been interested in physics. When I went to school in the 60's I was fed the "standard interpretation" of physical phenomena. I came to believe or accept the ideas presented in the University and the interpretations thereof. My mind was blown out after my initial student induced 'pot' experience. I discovered as a direct perception that the flow of time was not Universal.

From this it was but a short time before I began to doubt the axioms and truisms of science. I sensed that if the Universality of time was an incorrect doctrine, all other scientific reasonings dependent on it were also flawed.

Of course one always searches for a "critical experiment" to prove or disprove a scientific thought. For those of us who interest ourselves in altering Reality there has to be a critical experiment which changes everything. Does the photon divide itself before the double slit experiment -- so that one half goes through one slit and the remainder through the other? If in the performance of an experiment we create a contradiction, does Reality come crashing down? Maybe only in our heads since the map is not the territory and we can dream-up anything we want.

For those of us interested in The Pure System, this is a waste of time since it does not address the problem of survival. If we are trapped within a system of logic there is no way out unless we recognize certain things cannot be done, i.e. Free Energy, Anti-Gravity, Space Travel, etc., are implicitly excluded. How do you break the spell, the fixation of humanity on conservation, the dividing up of the limited into the more limited. This book is not for everybody since nobody knows what is true. We must break the cycle of kindness and face reality.

Loosely returning to the plot. Does the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge represent true experience?

It may not be true but it does represent something, a wild idea about the nature of Reality, anything you want to think up and thump. In searching for a new experiment we wonder as we wander out under the stars. I think there are certain simple statements which can be made, i.e. we have discovered 92 natural elements whose ores precipitate in certain naturally occurring crystallographic groups.

We can say we have discovered three naturally occurring forms of motion, linear motion, rotation, and streptation. And that all presently existing physics books attempting to explain all motion simply as a combination of translation and rotation are wrong. And that might lead us into the insight that the newly recognized form of streptoid motion might have an experimental description altogether different from earlier mechanical descriptions of translation and rotation. Fundamental Laws: mass, inertia, action/reaction, and conservation would alter viz the earlier descriptions of motion generated out of the motion of non-streptating objects.

Any alteration in the conception of conservation will result either in a situation where all machines will become less efficient (theoretically) or will exceed the 100% efficiency level and become self-sustaining.

Once we have examined the theories of Reality we find they are all based on an assumption. The assumption is we can talk about something if we can convert it into something which we can understand. This is the Principle of Equivalence which says you can talk about what you don't know just as long as it is 'equivalent' to what you do know. Equivalence means there is no discernable test to distinguish between. The result of Newton's tests on linear motion do not apply to streptoid motion. There are certain machines where there are no internal changes to indicate the flow of power through or from the machine.

The Absurdity of Knowledge relates to the fact that Knowledge is an interpretation of reality. What was known to be true at a certain time can be replaced with "new" knowledge resulting in a different interpretation. Peace can become war, and love can become knowledge. The truth is that we do not understand the nature of the world we live in. We can become what we want to become through the nature of our thought. Of course, that could return us to the Garden of Eden, but if we again become fascinated by the allure of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge we expel ourselves from the peace of God's garden into the excitement of the growth and build-up of various civilisations. Each society is based on an interpretation. And when the limitations of that interpretation express themselves in an eventual devitalisation of the society so generated, the civilisation fails, and after an interregnum is replaced by another.

The point is that civilisations in themselves are based on certain interpretations of ideas. Eventual burn-out is because the map is not the territory. Perhaps this is an argument for a tribal extended family to replace 'organised civilisation'. The basic question is: Do we want to return to the Garden of Eden? The basic injunction of Star Trek, "May you enjoy your Reality more than our illusions," still applies.

Bruce DePalma graduated from M.I.T. in 1958. He attended graduate school in Electrical Engineering and Physics at M.I.T. and Harvard University. At M.I.T. he was a lecturer in Photographic Science in the Laboratory of Dr. Harold Edgerton and directed 3-D color photographic research for Dr. Edwin Land of Polaroid Corporation. He commenced his work in Free Energy through his studies on the gyroscope and the nature of motion. He invented the N-machine, a free energy electrical generator in 1977-78. He is widely published. His recent scientific papers are available on the Internet. A volume of his current work will appear as: The Absurdity of Knowledge. He resides near Auckland, New Zealand.

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